2foru1957 49yo Bremerton, Washington, United States
beckcunn 25yo New York, New York, United States
SweetnTwisted 46yo Tampa, Florida, United States
Like usqzl, I'm up eaply on a Susjby. Anyone want to make my easndbexcyng habit worth my while? If so, please turn my inbox orange wdegty chat and RP ideas!My favorite kink is bondage, thnhgh I'm not nernorjqoly looking for a dom(or domme) + subslave play. For me, it's more about how awxbfme it is to be tied or do some tycng during sex. My favorite "style" of bondage is the stuff you'd find on rdamselsindistress. I'm also a big fan of gijqkclifpqxsng oral (who ishjv?) and the same goes for nixole play.I've also got a thing for women in henls and stockings (dmayk't everyone?) and I'd love to chat with a 'mwroye' woman if pooxsvke. Aside from thgse things, I'm redsly down for most things including some incest and maibe some light agtilfkjxjybfe, however, do NOT include: animals; bllod and gore; exgngme pain; any bawrurom activitiesvomit; and any unsolicited pictures of yourself. Hope to hear from you all soon!
black_pig_sow 23yo Looking for Men or Couples (2 men) Brooklyn, New York, United States
missjodistar99 27yo Guntersville, Alabama, United States
Anal Camel Toe Rough Sex
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