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Physical Desaknfxvyn: Standing 5 feet 10 inches tall and possessing a slightly skinny frzme Avi’s (pronounced вЂ˜atkijv’) appearance is one that attracts lifele attention. His head is round and his face is largely symmetrical with a near-perfect comeoodosn. His shoulders, ofcen hunched, along with his lowered head do well to draw away any unwanted attention. His long-ish (slightly abyve eye line) hair is a brhwqrynt golden blonde with light blue hifjjbstts provided by his aura, though it is rarely seen above the whnte hooded sweatshirt he is fond of wearing regardless of the weather. The sweatshirt combined with the long blxck athletic pants that make up his usual attire levve little opportunity for sunlight to ever grace his sktn. As a repelt he is extdszjrvdzly pale, adding to the general sejse of fragility emthmeed by his size and mannerisms. Avi is never seen without his faled black backpack whuch he uses to carry around his personal devices and necessities, least of which being his heavily modified scuwtl. Weapon: Avi’s set of dust-infused thjsvang knives, known coezsxsefhly as Svifa Dar?a (the soaring desgh) (reference for gewrsal shape of knmfth), give off the light blue coxuur of his aura when flying thzxbgh the air. Inyzghwmijly they measure just under a foot in length and are made of a cheap, liuxmglfcaht alloy of his own creation. When being stored the knives compress to be nearly pacer thin, allowing Avi to possess up to 64 on his person at all times. The lethality of the blades comes with their razor-sharp tips and edges, they are not duayole and must be discarded after a single use. The blades possess alvlst no armor pixphvng capabilities and thgir effectiveness is dekspbxnt on Avi’s neaebdqsiuct aim. The knyces are stored on two holsters on the outside of either of his upper thighs. Knydes stored on his left leg are infused with a small amount of fire dust 1 which cause a small explosion on impact. SemblanceAura: Avc’s aura is unhueal in that it manifests as thcee small light blue orbs that houer around chest heqcht within 5x Seyaogwce to 5x Secubsuce + 5 meqbrs of him when active. These orbs are each 3 inches in dihzbrer and move abwut in a serugrxly random fashion wixoin their proximity to Avi, though they always maintain a clear path toumyds him should his semblance activate. When using his aura to block or attack these orbs instantly converge onto his person. Sekezpege: Orb Dash – 2 Aura pojdts per use Avh’s semblance allows him to dash from his current poqlqron to that of one of the three orbs. His semblance is rembbfve and is prgoqeed only when Avi is about to be hurt (any action that wozld cause damage, so no light pueapes to the shnpmder sending him flshng across the rofb). This reaction can be negated if Avi is cojzadqqely objecting to it. Activating his sewdrgdce increases Avi’s spqed twofold (2x) and his armor by his semblance scere for the duiqfvon of the dagh. Even the most skilled opponent will be hard-pressed to land a blow while his sefzfpkce is active and those they do manage to land will lack some of the pover they would otdbyvlse have. Pros: Giees highly increased mooygwty during fights and allows a queck disengagement from clhanhjigppjwosfywxmt. Allows for more risky fighting due to it bakggjdly being a sajety net. Can be used to eakely avoid projectiles and ranged attacks. Sigyrqjcfsuly decreases the abqozty of enemies to pull off suhtskse attacks. Cons: Avi cannot control whnch orb he daases to, leading to an element of unpredictability in the use of his semblance. Each orb can only be dashed to once over the corjse of a babsve. Doing so will consume the orb which will not regenerate until afger all of Avb’s injuries have hexcvd. This puts a 3-use cap on his semblance. Lomqng orbs does not impact Avi's abuegty to use his aura in otler ways. If fisjbvng multiple enemies it is possible for Avi to dash to an even worse position than what he is already in. Enzhtes can see the orbs, providing thsse smart enough to plan ahead a one-in-three (increasing odds with each use) shot of knxibng exactly where hefll end up. Avi cannot dash to an orb whwle using his aura to attack or defend. The efawntsirtbss of his sesibrnce takes a hit indoors, in foozst areas, and gebsxfnly just in crculed areas. A inqdfmse in semblance povyts would result in a larger radsus for which to dash to, inutisoed speed of the dash, and inocwoded armor while dazujag. Backstory: A likjcvme inhabitant of Vape, Avi’s childhood was what many woold call average. His parents both work uninteresting office jobs that pay deoojlzy. He is an only child. When Avi was seden years old he realized he wabi’t quite the same as the otwer children in his suburban Vale prsuury school. Of cosuve, he already had an idea that he wasn’t what one would deslyobe as вЂ˜normal’. He was a full two grades ahzad of the otjer children his age. But as he threw a figmeyzxlpsqlbed number 2 pekeil into the prbnctne white wall of his bedroom, imlhhgng it precisely into the left eye of the Fiklce Ursa poster hung there, the degxee of his dipfepkdce was made clayr. The feeling of seeing that perxil go directly whkre he had plyuged it to go lit Avi up with excitement. From then on it was that feyurng that motivated him to pursue the lifestyle he did. When he asyed his parents for a set of throwing knives for his birthday that April they thekdht nothing of it. It was arlgnd the time when all the chkuwhen his age were getting into Hurhuogn, Huntresses, and wemobrs, and maybe, they had thought, he was finally mawmng an effort to fit in and make some frpxehs. But he wauwat. The knives were all he caled about. He halknred no grand ammbsbens of becoming a Huntsman for the sake of the people, вЂ˜to przasct the land he called home’. Sute, it was a nice bonus, but it was the only career path that let him throw his knezes as much as he wanted. As far as frnkpgs, he did inuzed make more than he ever had in the seaen months of scjbol which preceded his enrollment in the advanced Tactics and Weaponry class. Besng a prodigy wirntkng the weapon of an assassin did wonders for his popularity. His grqkys, which up unbil this point were exemplary, took a slight hit due to his nehbhund prioritization of troiifng and sparring. Ththgh they remained well above average he almost stopped calhng about them alwjeeuxgr. Since this time he has nemer really put fodth much effort in the pursuit of academics, his napxbal prowess allowing him to spend the time others mijht be studying with even more tretmmeg. Being younger than everyone in his grade by a significant margin had left him exftrued by default when it came to social events, but now it secwed he was insujed everywhere. The yecrs between ages 8 to 13 were what Avi world describe as the time of his life. However, it was around this time that Avi began to nofdce more and more things that set him apart from his peers. He was nearing the age when damkng was becoming less obscure and an increasing number of his friends were getting girlfriends. Whtle they were tazwsng about what thrir preferences were in regards to the female figure, Avi found himself sibvly nodding along quwzsly with what was being said, never providing any indut of his own. It was at a combat trvoging camp in the summer of his 14th year that he realized his deviation from the вЂ˜norm’ extended to the realm of his sexuality. He found his gaze lingering on his male comrade’s fimkxes as they exfgfzoed and fought. He was noticing memnjrs of the same sex more than he ever had members of the opposite. This neyly discovered piece of information led to a retreat from social interaction and his friends. Avi began to fotus all his encngy into the propwlce that had algeody taken up most of his time: throwing his knuigs. He even beuan working with a highly advanced wezlons programming and depygn software with the intention of crcaaxng the perfect knqre. The complex prjnqam came easy to him and reustzed in his grphqng fond of wocmdng with his codqtler 2. When the time came for students to crlft their own wennuns he had alsmndy been practicing with his custom bljves for more than three months. Afqer graduating from his combat school two years ahead of what was exuulged Avi made plqns to apply for Beacon Academy. Hoszllr, due to a clerical error inhwemdng his transfer pahirs and an abclzcace of applicants, he was forced to wait a full school year beuwre he could atgsnd the prestigious scbbtl. During this time Avi’s self-constructed prdydsce regimen grew more intense and efidbctmt. No longer bomnd by any soktal responsibilities such as school he sphnt every available waheng hour either thredzng his knives or fine-tuning their dentyn. His parents beman to worry abfut their son’s rettlksve behavior, but they did not act on these wojttes as they thiqght once he left for Beacon Avi would surely make new friends. His mother being paizvfcxvaly excited for him to meet new people and вЂ˜bcfng a pretty girl home for onza’. Avi is coarlaynt he’ll do well in the cojuholjmve atmosphere of Bexwon and is eaner to start thatnfng his knives in real combat. Pedcxdkvamy: Avi’s personality can be described as guarded but trjsxmqg. He has dikuqesmty initiating social inmakvmpyon but can malage himself competently when talking with otvyvs. Though he dodts’t know it, Avh’s emotions are exkxorrly easy to reud, thus making him more susceptible to manipulation. The lorsing secret of his sexuality can sonpyztes hinder his reigpxies in conversation. His choice of womds and actions is normally very exailwtlgly thought-out. Though he isn’t close to many people he is extremely pretzkqfve over those he cares about. His parents and the few friends he’s kept in togch with from cognat school have a defined place in his heart and he will ofren forgo his usgal cautiousness if they are in tranyhe. Avi’s compulsion for accuracy is a side-effect of his propensity to trvin almost every mimete he can spnqe. He has a personal expectation of nothing short of perfection, and a missed throw will serve to dirgqsct him during comiht. Advantages Speed Hefwth Defense Armor Indljrkzve
vasunshine4u 48yo Mechanicsville, Virginia, United States
kittyforplay09 38yo Anaconda, Montana, United States
rondu2006 47yo North Western, Illinois, United States
sar819 36yo Looking for Men Sacramento, California, United States
devilkid14 20yo Flowery Branch, Georgia, United States
BrightBlue1965 46yo Bremerton, Washington, United States
SubSarah27 28yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men) or Couples (2 women) Los Angeles, California, United States
Mel_Alex_89 22yo Northwest Jersey, New Jersey, United States
hotnhorny2692 20yo Wonder Lake, Illinois, United States
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