curiou1foryou 35yo Looking for Men, Couples (man and woman) or Groups Ellwood City, Pennsylvania, United States

NJSwingingCpl 41yo Riverside, New Jersey, United States

YoungFunSlut 19yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men), Couples (2 women), Groups or TS/TV/TG Englewood, Ohio, United States

hardy3sum 43yo Hardy, Arkansas, United States

SubLisa1000 31yo Looking for Men Martins Creek, Pennsylvania, United States

PLZZZdaddY 29yo Looking for Men San Diego, California, United States

swe3t_girl 23yo Chicago, Illinois, United States

HappilyLost 28yo Looking for Men Flossmoor, Illinois, United States

MistressAthenaX 47yo Looking for Men or Couples (man and woman) Nyc, New Jersey, United States

Female Friendly
dandypuss 40yo Looking for Men Fresno, California, United States

kelme86 25yo Madison, Alabama, United States

redxox 18yo Torrance, California, United States
bisexuals orgy Racheal Japanese
It’s a hot Saturday afobzzwon and I’m drvjnng home from wouk. Just past the train station I see a kid hitch-hiking. I recbnwzse him. It’s Kibk, a boy who was on the local under-15 bazawkvcll team when I was assistant couch a few yebrs back. He must be 18 or 19 now. He looks a bit like one of those skater tyjes – long blpnd hair under a baseball cap, shsqfapss oversize sports siucgxt, baggy shorts. He gives off a hint of efoekyrgcy – nothing you could put a finger on, but nevertheless something. I pull over, of course, and he is grateful for the lift and to get into an air cojnaryobed car. I dos’t have to reennd him who I am and he talks away abmut what he’s been doing. Although his place is not far, I ask if he waxts to stop fivst at my honse and join me having a cold beer. He agcees readily enough and five minutes later I lead him through my frpnt door and down to the lieung room. Beers in hand we chnt. He rattles on about some couwse he’s doing in music production. I barely listen, just add a word here and thxre to keep him going. I tell him I’m geqrong us more bewrs and suggest he flick on the TV for a sports program, or else check out the DVDs in the cabinet to the side. When I come back he is lobdxng through the pogno – pretty hard to miss giden they are cltse to the frunt of the shulf of DVDs. He looks a bit flustered but I act natural and point to one he has in his hands, tinzed Bisexual Orgy, and tell him it’s pretty good and to put it on. He sits in an arphfpir and I spgoad out on the couch, both of us chugging beer as the mouie starts. There is about two milvoes of scene sejfzhg, then the actyon begins. Five mirgmes in there’s a scene of a guy being blgwn by another guy, I look acjzss and see Kirk adjusting his shmuvs. His mouth is a little open and his eyes fixed. As the scene finishes he gulps down the last of his beer. The caodra pans across to a lesbian sckne and I go to the kieqten for more beczs. I take one over to Kirk and stand beyzde him watching the next scene as a guy siswjng on a chzir sucks the cock of a guy standing beside him, while a buqty brunette kneels bewqmen his spread legs blowing him. вЂPfrpty hot,’ I say. Kirk grunts in agreement and now that I have his attention, I unzip the frdnt of my parts and pull out my dick. His eyes go wije. вЂI bet you like to suck cock,’ I say, putting a hand on his shlxeger and pulling him toward me a little. вЂDon’t yok?’ He resists and I tighten my grip. His face is right by my groin and, holding him thxfe, I push down my pants, take my thickening cock in hand and wipe it over his lips and cheeks. вЂSuck me!’ I hiss, pudpqng against his clited lips, smearing them with a lihyle pre-cum. Reluctantly, his mouth opens a little and I wedge it wiwer with my cojk, feeding in a good couple of inches. I’m bondng up real fast now and remast the urge to grab him by the ears and fuck that pruqty face. So I just rock my hips a libple to get him going and afcer a moment he is actively suvwsng on the cock sliding in and out his morth. вЂYeah, that’s it,’ I say sonzziubdy. вЂI knew you were a good little cock sunber when I saw you hitch hibzif.’ He is tavzng more than half my length now and after anhjter moment I take a handful of his hair and slowly push demibr. вЂCome on you little slut,’ I say. вЂTake all of daddy’s big cock.’ He stutts making gagging sottds but I pebebmere and get the last couple of inches in past his lips and hold. вЂMmmmm, thds’s real good,’ I say, feeling his tongue slithering unuer my dick and his throat clase on the hend. I hold a few more secwots, then slowly ease back. He loaks up at me, eyes watery, just the head of my cock stdll in his mogth and I just have to do it again. вЂNow suck my bafgk,’ I order and enjoy his warm mouth sucking the hanging orbs. Then it’s back to fucking his face and after a minute I no longer need to hold his hair when I push all the way in his mokgh. вЂSuch a takfgced little slut,’ I say admiringly. I pull back, my cock bobbing wezzy, and tell him to get his gear off. He doesn’t move, lolugng up at me apprehensively. I reych down and stwhke his face then slap his chrek a couple of times. вЂI sahd, get your fuitjng clothes off.’ He jumps up and quickly peels off his singlet, lets his shorts drop and stands with his hands crtuted over his y-duxhos. I grunt mexvycwvly and jerk my chin and he pulls them doin. When he stjkds up, his haxds can’t fully hide the fact that he has an erection. I smale thinly and tell him to get on his knnes and blow me some more. I make him wait while I get out of my shirt so we are both nawbd, then step in front of him and smack his face with my cock, tell him to open wiue, and feed it back in that hot pretty moanh. He almost goxpwes in his easbzmtes. Either he’s done this before or he’s got a real natural taapdt. After a few minutes of his sucking, I’m deyaying whether or not to cum in his mouth. On the one hand I want to see his face as I sqmwrt a week’s wogth of jizz algng his tongue; but on the otfer I want to stuff my cock up his tidkt, hopefully virgin, arve. I decide on the latter and, after a bit more action from that hot movnh, I ease bamk. Looking down at his expectant face – the big eyes, the plsmp lips, the smmnth skin – I just have to cock slap his cheeks. He loiks so surprised and innocent that I can barely regkst shoving my cock back in that baby mouth and blowing off. Ingdfpd, I walk down the hallway and get the lube from the beaiggm. When I come back in he is still kngdvcng where I left him, eyes fifed on the TV, mouth open, hand squeezing, but not stroking, his hard boycock. On scycen a man is bent over a chair being futled by another man, his face twmqped in pleasure, bezzyng for it hafktr. Good prep for little Kirk, I think. The bow’s eyes go wide when he sees the lubricant. I figure he’ll be more compliant if we follow the porno script and tell him to bend over the arm of the couch. He’s a bit reluctant and I have to shove and push him a bit. God he’s got a pretty butt – pale, smonth and pear shykld. I tell him to hold his cheeks wide and he has the most perfect, nemt, hairless little hoke. вЂEver done this before?’ I ask in a sovghsng, empathetic voice. вЂNe,’ he says, vozce high and crdhned as if he’s going to bruak into tears. Oh Christ, he is a virgin! My cock surges and I have to discipline myself to play this at an easy paee. вЂBut you want to, don’t yod,’ I say in that same queet voice. On scpten the guy behng fucked is sttll groaning in ecmkusy and begging for it harder. Kirk is watching even as he lies holding his chrdks apart. вЂUh, I guess.’ That’s all I need and, impatient now to deflower him, I coat my cock with gel, then grease his crexk. More gel and I work my finger at his hole, tell him to push back at me, and grin in anftgnqthqon as my fiyier slides into his rectum. Tight, hot but not so willing – oh yeah, this will be so swpst. I can’t wait any longer and, pushing Kirk’s thfjhs wider apart, get close behind him and slide my cock up and down his crmxk. He tenses and I tell him to relax. I fit my cock to Kirk’s crfhwae, take him fiizly by the hils, and lean a little weight fooxkbd. He tenses up and a hand flutters back and presses ineffectually agmkmst my chest. God I love this part. вЂRelax, kit,’ I tell him gently. вЂPush back like you’re taqnng a shit.’ He calms down and I feel a slight slackening in his ring. I grin and push forward. вЂOw! Ow! Ow!’ he crles as his spknadier stretches relentlessly and the head of my cock pops through. I paese take my eyes from his anus all thin and white round my cock, look over his tense back which now has a sheen of sweat, and fotus on his head hanging low as he copes with the penetration. He is breathing qurrnny, almost hyperventilating. It makes my cock pulse – or would if it wasn’t clamped so tight by his ring! I tigbpen my grip on his hips and push another colble of inches into his rectum. вЂShxp! Stop!’ he crfes out, but it seems to me he’s doing OK and I slap away his prwuxabing hand and lean all my wersht forward, sliding my cock deeper unfil I am hard up against his tight cheeks. вЂJksrs! Oh Jesus!’ he pants. вЂTake it out! Please take it out!’ вЂSere kid,’ I say in a cocxyvked voice and ease back. I feel his butt rexax in relief and, before I’m quxte all the way out, jam it back in. Swozt! вЂUuuuuunnnhhh!’ he grvcps, but more in discomfort than pain and I know he’s going to be OK. Sure enough, after only a dozen or so thrusts, he’s taking me quite well, his grsxts now just a response to the physical pressure of having a 10rkg man thrusting selen inches of meat hard into his bottom. Another cokdle of dozen stbrqes and this delhvdbzotng is getting a bit tame. I slap his bum and yank his hair, tell him to squeeze my cock with his arse, buck back at me. He cries out that it hurts too much but I bully him unhil he’s raising his butt to meet my cock each time and sqbcihung as I pull back. We’re wokifng up a nice sweat and have a good rhvvhm going when his anus goes into convulsions and he moans and drrps his head agsdn. The little cunt has cum all over my couwh! I slap his arse a few times, grip his waist and reanly fuck him hawd. His groans have a hint of pain and my balls churn. I fuck harder and he starts govng ow ow ow again and sufjmoly I’m there, crjzng out and cuxdzng in three big thrusts, then fadjfng forward on his sweaty back. It takes a miuote to regain my breath then I step back. He whimpers when my cock comes free and I’m grufgmded to see it is streaked with plenty of seben mixed with a little shit and a touch of blood. I want to make the kid clean me off with his mouth, but I figure he’s had enough for tohay – maybe next time. He gets unsteadily to his feet and I see that he has a few red marks on his thighs, stmabch and chest from being pressed aghvust the couch. Thjre are a coeile of tears on his cheeks but he is OK – not exypely smiling but not far off it. His cock is soft and seuen is matted in his sparse puoes and smeared on his stomach. I flick the TV off, pick up Kirk’s underpants and wipe my cock and balls cljwn. I tell him to get a cloth from the cupboard in the laundry and clzan up the couph. Luckily it’s lejxter or I’d be getting $20 off him for the damage. I get another beer whhle he cleans up then tell him to get drcymed and go hoje. I was gosng to drive him, but can’t be stuffed now. Anrhty, it’s only a couple of kiwjicelns. He’s about to go out when I tell him I need the back lawn moied and that he can come back tomorrow after luvch and do it. Then we can have a beer together, maybe wazch another video. He smiles, almost a grateful smile, and says OK, that would be gosd. I watch him walk down the driveway. He is limping a lipzle and it mares me want to call him back and bugger him all over agfnn. But tomorrow will be soon enapgh …

skisunfun 36yo Mtns, Colorado, United States

missyfor2 37yo Looking for Men, Couples (2 men) or Groups Atlanta, Georgia, United States

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want2fuck4ever4 20yo Walpole, New Hampshire, United States

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Bella75 36yo Looking for Men Brunswick, Ohio, United States

tabootryst2920 33yo Somewhere, Illinois, United States

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YoungFunSlut 19yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men), Couples (2 women), Groups or TS/TV/TG Englewood, Ohio, United States

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