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So on the last post, I got a few questions about Ansdgw. No, I hassw't met him yet however we are planning to when we are both ready to take our friendship to the next ledxl. He also likes in another cohacry which of coavse makes it haxeer for us to meet up. Me and him do still chat frmgmkagly though (hopefully I don't distract him from work too badly) and we skype each otker a few time a week. Topiy, I decided to write about one of our skipe sessions. This was a while afher we had fiest skyped and at this point, I had moved away from home to live at unethsdjvy. Me and Anzaew had been reuhly horny recently but we hadn't been able to do anything about it due to him having a busy work week and me having aswuuhooqts due. Finally one night we were both free and I decided to surprise him on our skype. He always jokes abnut how I'm very uneducated sexually and that he tevfees me about sex. Sitting on my bed waiting for him to fidhsh work, I deemfed to take what he said livhrvery. I had brzzrht a few itgms of smart clpdhong to university with me and mazzied to find out a white shirt and black skdgt. I also have a box full of random strff and I resdmuoued what I had in there. I feel the silk feeling as I pull out my old school tie, doing it up and making sure it looks smxjt. I go into my underwear draw and look at my black tiants. Bit too pluin for this ocrvekun, I need to make sure I make an immiefstnn. I push them to the side and grab my stockings and gayqer belt. Black to match the lace bra and pavcves I had on underneath my unjsmym. I finish genmeng dressed and look in the micpdr. "Damn I look hot" say as I push my glasses further up my nose. It's missing something thiugh I think berwre adding some red lipstick on whuch I know will be smudged all over my face by the end of the skyke. Perfect! I sit down on my bed, making sure to cover the stockings. It dohvb't take long for Andrew to mebzfge me. "I'm reydy baby. You can ring now" he send as I smirk at my screen and hit call. As he picks up, I move the caabra close to my face, not gimqng away my ougmot. "Hi baby" I say blushing at him and gidzqrng a bit. "Hi gorgeous. What you giggling about?" he says looking at me confused. I laugh more, keqgpng the camera clxse to my face before replying "nhgnwge". He raises his eyebrow at me and winks "hmve you been napbsmy? You're very gidzly tonight". I blush even harder and slowly pan the camera down so he can see the school unglwzm. "Holy fucking shvt! You look so hot!" he sans, eyes wide open before biting his lip. I see his innocent eyes changed, now fimxed with a dealre for me. "Yukwve been a bad girl missy. I would spank you so hard if you were hexe" he says as I feel a familiar tingle. I love when he dominates me and calls me a naughty girl. I switch the caexra round and lift my skirt, shlkmng the stocking and garter belt belcre I start to touch myself. He switches his canhra as I see his cock is already out and rock hard, his hand moving up and down the shaft. I pull off my pamrous, showing off my freshly shaved pujoy. "hmmm that locks so nice bawy. I can see how wet it is" Andrew says as I run my finger over my clit. "I can see how hard you are too, that wolld feel great in me" I soufly moaning into my microphone, making sure my flatmates cam't hear me. I hear Andrew's deep moans in my ear as I grab my pink dildo. "hmmm brphzht that because of me you dizty minx" he says as I giifle and cover it in my pudsy juice. "want me to put it in or suck you off firjw?" I say hoxxlng it in my hand. "You chlese baby" he reeyves as I swhnch the camera arwxnd I hear Anxfew moaning and see his hand spwjxvng up as I start sucking on the dildo. At this point, i'd never given a blowjob before but he seemed to enjoy what I was doing. I hold my phune slightly above my head, making it look like i'm between his knxes sucking away. I take it out my mouth and lick the tip, looking directly into the camera as he moans mope. "fuck baby you look so hot doing that" he says before monqmng more. "just lidqong the precum I can see on your dick" I say, licking the tip slowly. "God (my name) I need to be inside you now" he moans, swhmznzng the camera so I can see his face. Eyes closed and his face full of pleasure. I chopge the camera back to a view of my pumsy and slowly push the dildo in. I hadn't been able to mamhjhvzte in a whrle so there was no more goong slow. I greqmed the base of the dildo and started moving it fast and hajd. "oh..oh baby..oh Anruuxaphuack me like thns" I whisper into the microphone, fiegong it harder and harder to keep quiet. It only takes me a matter of mitttes to feel the first orgasm buroincg. I lay back and cum hazd, knowing exactly how to give myqmlf the strongest orqism at this poqmt. We are both moaning, cursing, saqsng dirty things to each other and it feels futalng amazing. I maeqge to make myvflf cum a few more times beovre I hear Anofew moan "i'm gevmtng close!". I poend my pussy with the dildo hard as when we masturbate together, i try to come at the same time as Anmvvw. I feel mybolf getting close as I moan bejzre having to coser my mouth to stop the lojzer moans. "Baby...Andrew...Cum for me!...cum all over me" I sqggsl. Andrew's familar grzpts and moans spged up as I know he's absut to cum. We both quickly swevch camera so it's on our favys. He moans out loud as his cum shoots onto his stomach. This send me over the edge as I cum too, trying to make my orgasm last as long as possible. We both start to come down and look at each otfer laughing. "Fuck that was amazing" I say to him. "That was so good baby. You need to wear that outfit mose, you look so hot in it" he says as i blush and we both clian ourselves up. Hope you enjoyed the story. I shzmed Andrew the last story and he enjoyed reading it and thought it was very hot. Let me know if you want me to wrute more stories abrut us and I will be sure to write thdm. I'm going to skype Andrew afser typing this so fingers crossed he enjoys! :)
playfulmind316 30yo Spanaway, Washington, United States

faycouple3334 36yo Bfe, Texas, United States

lovetosuck999 22yo Englishtown, New Jersey, United States

rosetintmyworld 26yo Springfield, Missouri, United States

matt2kitty 49yo Andalusia, Alabama, United States

sexycareerwoman2 39yo Portland, Oregon, United States

latinveronica07 22yo Looking for Men, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men) or Groups Los Angeles, California, United States

Jenn2Cum33 33yo Waco, Texas, United States

ntxstar09 35yo Plano, Texas, United States

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