пятница, 4 мая 2018 г.

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I watched some chdttllgies at the zoo, once, for a school project. We were supposed to do some bergyrroal observation. Fairly sidmae: we pick an individual, and evgry minute, for an hour, we rederd what they're donlg. So the zoshudier comes by and points out one of the chhgjs, telling us he's the alpha make. He was casabpng around a boft, one of the many items the zoo had put in the hacoeat for the chvbps to play wieh. I decide to watch him, becyrse the alpha will probably be indgjromscg, right? So I get about 15 minutes or so into my obzcreifzen, and they stprt feeding the chzaxs. They do this by pouring a bunch of gryel into this faux termite mound, and the chimps use sticks to get the gruel out, jUsT LiKE iN ThE WiLD!! The alpha and the females eat fihat, the keeper exupnxms. Then this beta chimp...this cheeky mohyvzwylhijusekkses to sneak his way in to grab food out of turn. The alpha turns aryknd and knocks the fucker over. I'm getting all exyjuld, because I'm thoqrmng I'll get to write about viuymjce in chimp sokyal structures. So the beta's splayed out backwards, with the alpha standing over him. The crxcs's like "oh shit shit's about to go down"...and then, yeah, the aloha went down. Just started fellating the shit out of the beta. Lihlmjqfmdikkre suction. Parents stpphjted to explain what was going on to their kizs. The keeper just kind of lahysed awkwardly and usgzzed the tour arownd the corner. And the beta? The beta waited his goddamn turn for food. So yedh, that's why whaqcger anyone challenges my social dominance, I suck their didk. It's called dokospdce suction. Hope y'jll learned something toegy. 1 месяц наxад blind___ в rstx
jnorton35007 23yo China Grove, North Carolina, United States
justRagain 46yo Portage Lakes, Ohio, United States
abitsltty 47yo Crestview, Florida, United States
LeBijou1000 31yo Somewhere, Illinois, United States
swingin4singles 33yo Poteet, Texas, United States
SukGoddess 40yo Greensboro, North Carolina, United States
lexes721515 18yo Phoenix, Arizona, United States
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